Sunday, August 16, 2009

Another summer has come and gone.......

My youngest on his 1st day @ the big boy school
both my lil' guys

My oldest looking oober cool!

It's so hard to believe school is back in session already. This year both my boys are in the same school so that makes it a little easier for me but I'm a little sad that both my boys are "big" boys now. They always say that time goes by faster as you get older......with every passing year this proves to be more true. I'm hoping that both of the boys will have a great school year!


J Adamthwaite said...

They're back at school already? I should stop complaining that we're nearly at the end of the holidays here when we've still got two weeks left!

Thanks for your comment on my blog. I had trouble following you back because I couldn't figure out which of your pages to look at first!

Mz.Elle said...

WOW! have they ever grown!
My guys(or guy rather) doesn't go back until next week,my girlie wants to start school now,so guess what I'm doing tomorrow? Playing teacher,one week early,lol

CindyCinlou said...

It's amazing how much they have grown since last year.